Saturday, March 21, 2009

Heritage Tour To Reggio Calabria, Sponsored By The National Italian American Foundation.

I received my newsletter booklet today from the NIAF, and I was pleasantly surprised to see that the NIAF has organized what they call, "The Heritage Tour to the Region of Calabria." Usually you only see sponsored trips to Tuscany or Northern Italy, but now the light has been turned on..that the best sights to see are in no other region-- but Reggio Calabria.
The regions featured will be Altomonte, Capo Vaticano, Catanzaro, Tropea, Reggio Calabria and many others. Believe me, you better buy the best camera ever because what you will see you could never imagine existed. The prices seem very reasonable considering gas/airline fees, and hotel accomodations. I would jump on this, when you can get in on an organized trip to such an amazing, unchartered area you will thank yourself years later.

Check out for more info on this trip.
PS- The picture above is a picture I took off the coastline in Reggio Calabria. Its unreal.
(Image- Copyright --Italian American Girl 2009)


Anonymous said...

We're waiting you all in Reggio Calabria the next summer!!!

tnx a lot for writing about this wonderful land!


Shannon said...

Sounds so great, I am passing your blog on... I have a cousin that is dual citzen to US and Italy, she lives in Italy now, and I am passing your blog on to my Aunt, who LOVES all Things Italian!