Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Election Eve, Let's Discuss How the Italians Are Gearing Up For the American Election.

Well, after writing and talking about the candidates, the election, the issues and the we are on the eve of the 2008 Presidential election. I am truly anxious to see how this turns out, whether its a Democrat or Republican. With the intense economical and military situations occurring within the American government, this election has become and will be one of the most important elections of our time. Not only, are the issues great, but for the first time in history, whether it be Democratic or Republicans, there will either be an African-American President or a woman as the Vice-President. We should be proud that we are in this current moment of history.

In preparing for the elections here in the US, we've already seen high voter surge turnouts in early voting states. This is a clear indication that the American people are ready to make changes. Tomorrow, we will go to our designated voting locations and cast our votes. What will be, will be. I was really quite anxious to know the turnouts in the last two elections, but this time around I will be feverishly checking the statistics online and on CNN. I am truly excited for this final outcome.

In sharing our excitement are the Italians. The Italians know and understand that the outcome of the next elected President is also very relevant to their lives. With foreign policy, military issues, war and the current economic crisis, the outcome of the next elected President will definitely have a huge effect on the European markets and especially in Italy.

With so much excitement brewing here in the states with after parties scheduled for victory on both sides, the Italians have also begun to party plan for their candidate's victory party. For example, the Democrats Abroad have organized a very large result party in Rome. The Americans living abroad have taken a large role in organizing and involving others to participate in this year's election. In an overwhelming show of support, it seems many Italians and many other European citizens have decided that Senator Obama is their candidate of choice. I think its safe to say, whoever becomes President should receive and will receive the support of their fellow Americans. We must remember to keep the cause united and not divided by party. Happy Voting!

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