Showing posts with label Dario Cecchini. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dario Cecchini. Show all posts

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Italy's Most Recognized & Famous Butcher, Dario Cecchini Coming To New York & Boston

At a time when culinary arts are heavily watched on such mainstream shows and networks like Top Chef, and Food Network, there is one thing constant and missing from each of these shows, although the contestants are cooking and claim to be culinary experts, do they know the basics of traditional food preparation, production and growth? Famous Italian butcher, Dario Cecchini is that man who has maintained an old world tradition or shall I say an art form of a lost culinary tradition of butchery. His skills prove to be next to none and has cultivated his craft where now it must be shared with those who lack this education.

One thing I learned from my early childhood trips to Italy was the value of such traditions and arts. My aunt and uncle owned a butcher shop in our local town, and quite frankly as some things were gruesome to see the way in which you learn the food process is raw. The way an animal is fed reflects the end result of the quality of meat. Granted, I'm not so much of a meat eater, but I struggle everyday with eating meat here in the United States, because I want to know where my meat is coming from.. which is impossible to know. In Italy, you may have that privilege of knowing where your local butcher grows his livestock. I mean its a direct hit on knowing what you're eating. Unfortunately, here in America we have no education on food and where and what the process of producing food is, this is the major difference in food education.

A while ago, a friend of mine from California, Guy Arnone wrote a guest article here on IAG about his family business which happened to be the family restaurant. He was expressing his need and desire to learn more about food, the process, the organic ways of life. At one point on his blog he started documented his newly grown garden to show his passion for home grown produce. This is a further down generation of an Italian American trying to directly connect with his roots and he went full plunge. Shortly after several posts, Guy decided to leave the family business and headed to Italy to study under Dario Cecchini as an apprentice. He wanted to learn the basics, the ropes, the supreme way of a lost art. Guy spent some time in Italy learning all of it and came back to New York, where he is now working for EATALY in New York City. Guy will be appearing with Dario for these latest appearances in New York and Boston. If you want to learn from the best and get a glimpse into a lost culinary art form go to these appearances.

For more on this event: