Next week, I will be tuning into Oprah when she starts her "BEST LIFE," series. It includes, health, money, happiness and yes even your sex life. These elements are the essential ingredients in leading a good life. Some things you will see and hear being discussed are types of food and ways to cook that can help you keep a healthy diet. If you have all your ducks lined up, life becomes better and your attitude miraculously changes. You know, take it from the Italians, they make it priority to eat right, live well and do in essence out live many other cultures disease free.
If you have time and can watch the Oprah show starting January 5th, then you will be doing yourself a favor. Its great to have positive reinforcement when it comes to our lives. Unfortunately, we get sucked into the negative vortex of the media brainwashing of a bad economy, disease, pharmacy pill commercials and all kinds of medical replacements. As Americans if we were just educated on being healthy then maybe we wouldn't be so far gone in bad health. I wish you all the best this year and especially a healthy lifestyle. Tune in to Oprah, give it a chance, remember here's your new chance...its never too late to start.