Great debates happening on Facebook yesterday and today regarding the recent discussions on new reality shows and the negative depictions on Italian Americans. My stance is this, I believe many people have the right to be what they want, act the way the want and do what they want. Now, I'm not saying I condone or love that the free world now thinks all Italian Americans are the same..they're not--and that's OK. But that is the real "REALITY." If you have half a brain then you know this fact.
A really good point brought up by one of the Facebook-ers was-- where were the Italian American organizations when positive material, shows, content were being produced...? Not one press release blast went out or any 5 minute segment was covered on any local station. The same amount of energy that goes into the 15 minutes of fame for crying/complaining and saying people are racists should go into promoting the positive work we're all creating for the Italian American community.
I question the motives of others for getting on the press bandwagon and riding it all the way to the top by saying you're protecting the image of the Italian Americans, to me it sounds like you're condemning people for being who they really are.
If anyone, I mean anyone meaning myself, you can't get any more Italian American than me.. I am a first generation Italian American, my father came here on a ship over 50 years ago. My mother followed soon after. He struggled, he had nothing, he worked his ass off, he too was stereotyped.
Not once did my parents look for fame, fortune or any 15 minutes of a news segment, they're true revenge on the finger pointers was getting their family to be successful. The success of our family is what truly makes our story. So, forget about all the press, the TV, the un-reality of being Italian American, cause really if you haven't lived it or experienced shouldn't be adding your two cents. Sorry. I direct this to those who think they're protecting the Italian American image.
I say, take the same resources, money, staff whatever else is available and use it to promote --not talk about the same negative BS on and on.
Showing posts with label Stereotyping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stereotyping. Show all posts
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Italian Americans, Mainstream Media, TV, and Italian American Groups / Organizations
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Interesting video produced by; I have a lot of opinion behind this topic and because I am a first generation Italian American. I don't necessarily agree with all these opinions. Watch this video; share what you think.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Italian American Tweetchat Tonight- January 24th at 7 p.m. We're discussing Italian American Stereotyping in Mainstream Media.

I'm hosting a Tweetchat this Sunday, Jan 24. at 7 p.m. We're discussing "huge" debates on stereotyping Italian Americans in the media. What are your thoughts? I want to hear what you have to say! So all my Italian Americans, get over to and sign up if you dont have a Twitter account. Get one! Enter the conversation at and the hashtag to enter is #italianamerican Tweet
Growing Up Italian-American,
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Is "Jersey Shore" Going To Go Away?

If you're from New Jersey then you know the term "guido" is a real thing and yes, many people do act or really just live and exemplify those characteristics. Are we to judge and say they're portraying Italian Americans in a negative light? On many levels yes, when it comes to behavior and constantly reinforcing statements like, "I'm Italian," that's what we do, that's how we are." As an Italian American, no, that's not what we do and no, that's not how we are. What the kids from the "Jersey Shore" are putting out in the media is their limited education and cultural upbringing on being Italian American. What they know is what they've learned in their communities or mainstream media. This could be relative to generational gaps of the Italian American family. If we got a professor or scholar to weigh in on this subject I'm sure they have the research and data to back up my thought and opinion on the subject.
Look, again..I reiterate..."Why was it OK, for the Sopranos to be on for soooooo long and where were all the band wagoners then...?" That show did not go away and represented New Jersey Italian Americans in the worst way ever! But, if you ask any of the band wagoners, they might defend the Sopranos, because they too were seduced by a romantic, glorified and distorted idea of being Italian American.
I'm hosting a chat this upcoming weekend Sunday January 24th, 2010 at 7 pm on Tweetchat where we will discuss the "huge" stereotypes surrounding Italian Americans in mainstream media. Spread the word and join me on this chat.
Please follow me on Twitter for more details.. @italianamergirl
How to enter the Tweetchat:
1. Go to
2. Enter #italianamerican in the field.
3. You are now in the chat.
See you there!
Jersey Shore,
MTV's Jersey Shore,
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Italian Americans and MTV's "Jersey Shore."

I happen to be Italian American and do live at the Jersey Shore. As you know I grew up in North Jersey and am no stranger to the term "GUIDO." Its a term used to describe a type of person who happens to be of a city suburb, wears scandalous or tight clothing, big hair, tanned skin, long nails..the whole nine. OK, so what's important to realize here is that people really do dress like this and really do act or maybe not act, this is who they are. The Italian American context has been distorted, YES, I agree. But, unfortunately this is real. Those kids are identifying themselves with a distorted idea of being Italian American. The word, "GUIDO" at this point in time does not mean someone who is Italian, Italian American, this word is now used to describe a type of person.
I watched the show, I've heard those kids say more than once, "We're Italian, I'm Italian." Its possible that in the areas or city in which these kids come from, they do associate themselves to being Italian American and maybe in the areas they come from that's how their community culturally identify themselves. I am in no way condoning the behavior, actions of those who claim themselves to be Italian American and then portray themselves in a negative light. I am a Jersey girl, I live at the shore...and am an Italian American...there is nothing Italian about the show, "Jersey Shore."
If you remember back in the 80s everyone would travel down to Seaside Heights and play the part of the "GUIDO" driving in their Cadillacs, all tanned out and some even juiced up...they would culturally identify themselves as Italian Americans. This is real, those people are real. The choice of the network to air and not edit certain parts of the show are distasteful, but again these people "the cast" have no clue or true cultural upbringing to identify with and so they go with the closest thing they know. We have to be more concerned with the realness of where these kids are coming from and why they don't know any better and who failed them...?
Here is my concern with all this new found media and press surrounding the show, again..the band wagoners will get on and ride it all the way to the top. Where the hell are all the celebrities and law makers as we're trying to get an Italian American Network, education and programming in schools and on TV? Why is it when the Sopranos was airing, I didn't see the same amount of energy going into ending that show, like this one? Come on, this is hypocrisy at its best. Sopranos exemplified a glorification of murder, deceit and everything negative you can imagine all wrapped up in a nice gift called, being Italian. That show was on the air for a looooong time, and awarded. We got to look at the big picture here.
Now, that this show is pissing everyone off, it seems to me that everyone is on the press band wagon. That might be a cause for concern too. I would love for the lawmakers to be concerned with getting Italian cultural programs back into the schools, more recently they were cut out. I don't recall seeing much about the lawmakers except for a few national Italian American organizations trying to help. Italian American actors, or heavy hitters of any kind should use their power and influence to get the Italian American positive culture awareness out in the mainstream. We need our own network, our own shows and our own control of producing the correct information, history and traditions of being Italian American. Every other nationality has their own network, why don't we..? Currently, the Italian American Network is in the planning stages and hopeful to be up and running in the near future. There should be no opportunity for any other network to capitalize or distort our image. ITS TIME TO TAKE CONTROL!!!
Again, I don't agree with any negative portrayal of Italian Americans, but we have to look at the ROOT of the problem. Of course money is always a driving factor for mainstream media, so we must act to do the right thing instead of just complaining. I welcome your thoughts.... Let's do something good.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Degrees of Being Italian American.
I had to write tonight based on the whole idea of being Italian American. I ran into a few people this week where we talked about being Italian American and the generational gaps. Every time I talk to a person about being Italian it really becomes an educational lesson for me. Sometimes I suffer from thinking that everyone is or thinks like I do when it comes to being Italian American. Not that I feel any superiority to any one's level of cultural upbringing but I often find myself comparing my life and upbringing to theirs and how we evolve from our close generations to thinking or just recognizing a few traits of your heritage. This is definitely one of the factors that I always speak of and how losing your cultural identity is such an easy thing because really we all socialize into our "American" societal mannerisms and your cultural upbringing becomes secondary or unspoken.
How can in a nation built on immigrants are we so clueless and lost to who we really are..? Yes, we are American, but knowing where, what and how you got here is the key to understanding your cultural identity. So, turn off the TV, forget about the stereotypes and start thinking, researching and educating yourselves on the true history behind your culture. My interactions this week, kind of set me off, after engaging in a water cooler conversation about "The Real Housewives of NJ" and how the fact that there was violence at the finale show was because they all have "Italian tempers." That pissed me off beyond pissed me off. (Oh yeah, that's my Italian temper talking!)
If all that came out of that show were accusations and the fact that Italians have tempers then that is a waste of airtime and a perfect example of how we are manipulated by mass media. I really had to control my conversational responses this week, because I easily could have said a lot that could have sparked some negative vibes, for sure. But I only added what I know to be true, the facts about what being Italian American is all about for me. Again, I don't speak for everyone, this is my opinion but I feel strongly about the whole degree or levels of being Italian American and knowing who you really are and not what a TV show tells you its all about. Anyone care to share your thoughts on this one? Tweet
How can in a nation built on immigrants are we so clueless and lost to who we really are..? Yes, we are American, but knowing where, what and how you got here is the key to understanding your cultural identity. So, turn off the TV, forget about the stereotypes and start thinking, researching and educating yourselves on the true history behind your culture. My interactions this week, kind of set me off, after engaging in a water cooler conversation about "The Real Housewives of NJ" and how the fact that there was violence at the finale show was because they all have "Italian tempers." That pissed me off beyond pissed me off. (Oh yeah, that's my Italian temper talking!)
If all that came out of that show were accusations and the fact that Italians have tempers then that is a waste of airtime and a perfect example of how we are manipulated by mass media. I really had to control my conversational responses this week, because I easily could have said a lot that could have sparked some negative vibes, for sure. But I only added what I know to be true, the facts about what being Italian American is all about for me. Again, I don't speak for everyone, this is my opinion but I feel strongly about the whole degree or levels of being Italian American and knowing who you really are and not what a TV show tells you its all about. Anyone care to share your thoughts on this one? Tweet
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Real Housewives of NJ- Bravo's Top Series Sparks Major Talk About Negative Portrayals of Italian Americans in the Media.

Let's discuss for a second-- the Sopranos was a drama, fictional series. Tony Soprano is not real. OK, now that we have that out of the way, I have to say...putting a negative stereotype or insinuating negative connections sells that network viewers and big bucks in advertising. The cast mates and the viewers are going to be taken for a ride while network execs laugh all the way to the bank on the Italian American's expense. These women from New Jersey are just being themselves, but the work of creative producers/writers, editors and network executives creates the larger negative stereotyping picture that the masses get sucked into. Its a formula.
Again, remember this is my opinion, but its something to think about. Tweet
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Verizon Wireless Commercial StereoTyping Italian-Americans?
Well, once again after all the complaints, the anti-defamation organizations and just regular Italian Americans voicing their opinions on the negative impact of stereotyping in the media, we still have major brands like, Verizon, using a defamatory stereotyping tactic in a recent commercial. Now, what rocket scientist at Verizon would think this type of commercial would go over well? I won't even post the video here of the commercial but give you a link, because it annoys me.
This stereotyping must end, you can't have one guy in the ad department of a major company telling his boss, "yes, this will work..Italians are like this, look at the success of the Sopranos." NO!!!!! This guy in the advertising department has no clue about the world or what being Italian is, so before all the haters say, "Italian Americans whine about everything in the media, " I will, if this was any other ethnic group and a negative stereotype was portrayed in the media to this magnitude, you would hear about it more than this minor post or a few comments posted to Verizon. You know what, I use Verizon as my provider, now as a consumer it makes me rethink them. What kind of company thinks negative stereotyping is OK? A public apology would be nice.
Please read the full article posted here and see the comments. Very interesting. Tweet
This stereotyping must end, you can't have one guy in the ad department of a major company telling his boss, "yes, this will work..Italians are like this, look at the success of the Sopranos." NO!!!!! This guy in the advertising department has no clue about the world or what being Italian is, so before all the haters say, "Italian Americans whine about everything in the media, " I will, if this was any other ethnic group and a negative stereotype was portrayed in the media to this magnitude, you would hear about it more than this minor post or a few comments posted to Verizon. You know what, I use Verizon as my provider, now as a consumer it makes me rethink them. What kind of company thinks negative stereotyping is OK? A public apology would be nice.
Please read the full article posted here and see the comments. Very interesting. Tweet
Monday, October 6, 2008
"Everybody Wants To Be Italian"-- The Newest Creation of What The Media Thinks Being Italian Means....You Judge.
10/8--PS-I have to add, that I removed that trailer from my blog, it was getting on my nerves. The more I watched it, the more I realized --its just not what I'm about or condone. Sorry. If you still want to see it, go to the link below and catch the trailer there.
Well, watch the latest trailer posted on the top of this blog. You judge whether you think this movie trailer really tells a good story about a fictional Italian American family or does it put us in the stereotypical box once again. YOU JUDGE, or I should say review with an open mind. Tweet
Well, watch the latest trailer posted on the top of this blog. You judge whether you think this movie trailer really tells a good story about a fictional Italian American family or does it put us in the stereotypical box once again. YOU JUDGE, or I should say review with an open mind. Tweet
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Sunday Church.
My mind is everywhere today, I thought about religion today because this woman I know was talking about going to church every Sunday and how she won't miss it because she feels like she's a better person because of it. I can tell you from first hand experience, this woman is not a good person based on her malicious actions in the past. I won't judge her and will respectfully listen to her side of reasoning.
Again, I'm not a priest or nun...nor do I claim to be one. I attend church when I can but I will admit I'm not there every week or donating every two seconds. My father worked for the Archdiocese for most of his life here in America. So, if anyone knows the church and what its about ..its me. My personal opinion and feelings of the Catholic Church are mixed. Yes, there is corruption, scandal and badness, but what is created through the 'holy-rollers' is what creates the negative Catholic stereotype.
I posed the question in an earlier blog about "how do we expect to keep the interest and culture of the young Italians if we are constantly surrounded by negative Italian stereotypes..? Well, I think the same goes for the Catholic image. Italians are a large Catholic faith based culture and attaching a second negative stereotype to our belief system is also a strike against us. Look, I'm not saying the bad doesn't exist in the church, but what I am saying is that we as the "followers" or "parishioners" need to evaluate what it really means to be Catholic. Its not about the money basket, donations, and scandals. Its about educating the youth in a modern way about living a greater life without reasonable sins and resisting all evil. We live in modern times, we can't expect our youth to live like nuns and priests but what we can do is teach faith and give them the outline on how to strive to be better people. Education is key.
I'm going to jump around a bit on my thoughts.... I am Catholic and strongly believe in faith, hope, spirit, Jesus, God, a stronger force than myself. I am by no means a holy-roller. Sometimes its so hard for me to believe the masses that actually go to church, I'm not accusing anyone of anything negative and maybe its a good thing they go to church because maybe they could be worse as people, but my mind is made up-- the holy-rollers are a dangerous bunch. They force their children to go to church and all the while their kids are bad, sinners or whatever else..will kick anyone down while down. These are the people who think that attendance means you're a good Catholic.
You might know these people, they could live next door to you or even be related to you. My idea of being a good Catholic is being good to everyone, never malicious, accepting of someone or their ideals or religion, and being faithful to your own religion. The holy-rollers disguise themselves in the attendance records of being at church, but yet we all know the dirty secret of these phony 'Catholics.' They want to be good Catholics, but I guess will never be because their selfishness, maliciousness, envy, and ill will over power their disguise of the good Catholic. You know I feel this great need today to talk about maintaining our faith and belief system without expecting unreasonable expectations, educating your children with good morals and not just letting them think that if you go to church you're a good person. Work on being good, good can only grow. The Catholic church needs a makeover, and a PR campaign. Tweet
Again, I'm not a priest or nun...nor do I claim to be one. I attend church when I can but I will admit I'm not there every week or donating every two seconds. My father worked for the Archdiocese for most of his life here in America. So, if anyone knows the church and what its about ..its me. My personal opinion and feelings of the Catholic Church are mixed. Yes, there is corruption, scandal and badness, but what is created through the 'holy-rollers' is what creates the negative Catholic stereotype.
I posed the question in an earlier blog about "how do we expect to keep the interest and culture of the young Italians if we are constantly surrounded by negative Italian stereotypes..? Well, I think the same goes for the Catholic image. Italians are a large Catholic faith based culture and attaching a second negative stereotype to our belief system is also a strike against us. Look, I'm not saying the bad doesn't exist in the church, but what I am saying is that we as the "followers" or "parishioners" need to evaluate what it really means to be Catholic. Its not about the money basket, donations, and scandals. Its about educating the youth in a modern way about living a greater life without reasonable sins and resisting all evil. We live in modern times, we can't expect our youth to live like nuns and priests but what we can do is teach faith and give them the outline on how to strive to be better people. Education is key.
I'm going to jump around a bit on my thoughts.... I am Catholic and strongly believe in faith, hope, spirit, Jesus, God, a stronger force than myself. I am by no means a holy-roller. Sometimes its so hard for me to believe the masses that actually go to church, I'm not accusing anyone of anything negative and maybe its a good thing they go to church because maybe they could be worse as people, but my mind is made up-- the holy-rollers are a dangerous bunch. They force their children to go to church and all the while their kids are bad, sinners or whatever else..will kick anyone down while down. These are the people who think that attendance means you're a good Catholic.
You might know these people, they could live next door to you or even be related to you. My idea of being a good Catholic is being good to everyone, never malicious, accepting of someone or their ideals or religion, and being faithful to your own religion. The holy-rollers disguise themselves in the attendance records of being at church, but yet we all know the dirty secret of these phony 'Catholics.' They want to be good Catholics, but I guess will never be because their selfishness, maliciousness, envy, and ill will over power their disguise of the good Catholic. You know I feel this great need today to talk about maintaining our faith and belief system without expecting unreasonable expectations, educating your children with good morals and not just letting them think that if you go to church you're a good person. Work on being good, good can only grow. The Catholic church needs a makeover, and a PR campaign. Tweet
Catholic Church,
Italian American,
Saturday, September 13, 2008
How in the world are we going to get young Italian Americans to preserve their heritage when we're surrounded by negative stereotypes in the media..??
Lately, I feel like I'm surrounded by this negative Italian American stereotyping. But, I have to say its not stereotyping by other cultural seems our own home grown Italian Americans are putting themselves in this box of negativity. By this, I mean acting like or comparing themselves to 'mobsters' or 'wise guy' type personas. Now, we have shows like the Sopranos, which was attacked because of the negative stereotyping. But mind you I think the problem with that show is the audience and not the show. Granted, ok..why isn't the show called some other ethnic last name...? The answer is simple, its about capitalizing on an negative image that many people are fascinated with which makes everyone money.
What makes this even worse is that most Italian Americans lets say from the tri-state area can't seem to separate fact from fiction. Yes, you may know someone who looks or acts like Tony Soprano, but really is that what every Italian American looks or acts like? Yes, I do know a few people who look and act like that too...but I know the difference between fact and fiction. Just because a show is shot in New Jersey and your neighbor is kinda shady, doesn't mean they're in the mob.
So, the responsibility of keeping the Italian American image upstanding does also belong to the audience-YOU. Now, many of you scholars will say its more than that and television programmers, producers and studios need to stop this type of defamation, which I agree. I will also say as a television producer that if we never produced anything about this (which is a factual part of history-organized crime) then television would not exist and no one would produce anything. Again, I reiterate we should all be responsible for our own actions and image portrayals.
I don't watch the Sopranos because to be honest with you...its a little much for me, but if I do catch a re-run..I don't feel the need to go out and get acrylic nails and act like Carmella Soprano. Its up to the rest of us as producers, writers, teachers, professors, professionals to upkeep the Italian American image. This ties into my original question, how can we keep the attention and interest in our heritage with young Italian Americans? I realize I'm lucky because I am very close in the generation gap of being Italian American and I think it must be harder for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th generations to keep the traditions, culture and social characteristics within reach.
Its all about education. If we can keep the younger generations interested in what its about then we can succeed in preserving our heritage. For every Soprano show, there should be more positive, savvy programming to counter the negative imagery. You can't have any good if there's no bad. So, if the Sopranos show exists, then it exists- but we have to educate and be more media responsible to portray all the images of being Italian American.
This leads me into general media and television programming. For example, I was watching PBS, and there was an Italian American show about promoting an Italian American music CD. The whole show including hosts from PBS was a complete disgrace. Usually, I love anything PBS including their educational and cultural productions. But, this was just not right, you have a few cast members from the Sopranos promoting a CD and their latest projects. It seems to me they put themselves in their negative Italian-American stereotype characters and literally act like that typical gangster persona to capitalize on their careers. Is this real? Are they for real? Maybe they're for real, but if we're going to show one type of Italian American, then you must show all types of Italian American. So, again..there isn't much Italian American programming on television. (PERIOD) I can only hope that we can produce Italian American programming in the near future that portrays all of us. If not, our generation, my generation-- will truly begin to believe that Italian Americans are gangsters and talk like they have meatballs in their mouth with limited vocabulary and Cadillacs in their driveway.
I'll finish this off by saying yes, there are people who are really for real and act like this because that's who they are and don't capitalize on it, then there are those who act like this and capitalize on it to create the negative stereotype. We must be fair and educate on all parts of the Italian American. I'm on a roll today, too much bullshit out there and nothing real. Let's get real. Get me interested! Tweet
What makes this even worse is that most Italian Americans lets say from the tri-state area can't seem to separate fact from fiction. Yes, you may know someone who looks or acts like Tony Soprano, but really is that what every Italian American looks or acts like? Yes, I do know a few people who look and act like that too...but I know the difference between fact and fiction. Just because a show is shot in New Jersey and your neighbor is kinda shady, doesn't mean they're in the mob.
So, the responsibility of keeping the Italian American image upstanding does also belong to the audience-YOU. Now, many of you scholars will say its more than that and television programmers, producers and studios need to stop this type of defamation, which I agree. I will also say as a television producer that if we never produced anything about this (which is a factual part of history-organized crime) then television would not exist and no one would produce anything. Again, I reiterate we should all be responsible for our own actions and image portrayals.
I don't watch the Sopranos because to be honest with you...its a little much for me, but if I do catch a re-run..I don't feel the need to go out and get acrylic nails and act like Carmella Soprano. Its up to the rest of us as producers, writers, teachers, professors, professionals to upkeep the Italian American image. This ties into my original question, how can we keep the attention and interest in our heritage with young Italian Americans? I realize I'm lucky because I am very close in the generation gap of being Italian American and I think it must be harder for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th generations to keep the traditions, culture and social characteristics within reach.
Its all about education. If we can keep the younger generations interested in what its about then we can succeed in preserving our heritage. For every Soprano show, there should be more positive, savvy programming to counter the negative imagery. You can't have any good if there's no bad. So, if the Sopranos show exists, then it exists- but we have to educate and be more media responsible to portray all the images of being Italian American.
This leads me into general media and television programming. For example, I was watching PBS, and there was an Italian American show about promoting an Italian American music CD. The whole show including hosts from PBS was a complete disgrace. Usually, I love anything PBS including their educational and cultural productions. But, this was just not right, you have a few cast members from the Sopranos promoting a CD and their latest projects. It seems to me they put themselves in their negative Italian-American stereotype characters and literally act like that typical gangster persona to capitalize on their careers. Is this real? Are they for real? Maybe they're for real, but if we're going to show one type of Italian American, then you must show all types of Italian American. So, again..there isn't much Italian American programming on television. (PERIOD) I can only hope that we can produce Italian American programming in the near future that portrays all of us. If not, our generation, my generation-- will truly begin to believe that Italian Americans are gangsters and talk like they have meatballs in their mouth with limited vocabulary and Cadillacs in their driveway.
I'll finish this off by saying yes, there are people who are really for real and act like this because that's who they are and don't capitalize on it, then there are those who act like this and capitalize on it to create the negative stereotype. We must be fair and educate on all parts of the Italian American. I'm on a roll today, too much bullshit out there and nothing real. Let's get real. Get me interested! Tweet
Italian American,
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