If you're looking for information on travel, then all you have to do is search for travel Tweeters. I've been on Twitter for almost a year now http://twitter.com/ItalianAmerGirl) and if there is any information that I want to know or find out regarding travel I just check my Tweetboard and catch up on the latest and greatest deals available to Italy.
Now, I talk about Italy because that's our niche, but you can also find top travel advice and suggestions by some of the best travel experts to other parts of the world. Not only are you getting up to date airfare sales information but you can also find comparison price information, reward program updates, flight information if you're traveling, hotel accomodation pricing, villa availability, the list is endless.
Here is a list of Top Travel Tweeters that provide endless resourceful information on Italy. Sign up and start following them, you can only benefit from their Tweets.
Also if I've missed any other "Travel" tweeters who specialize in Italy, send me an email...I will add you. Italians support each other, or at least I try. ....
Don't forget to follow me on Twitter-- @italianamergirl