Saturday, May 14, 2011

Like it or Not- "Jersey Shore" Cast Is In Italy Filming Another Season

The cast of "Jersey Shore" is officially now in Italy. Like it or not, they have an Italian following. What Italian Americans think is so horrifying, Italians are seeing Americans who happen to have an Italian background. So, it asks the bigger question... how bad is this really?

I'm telling you right now, Italians will not see this in the same negative light as many Italian Americans here who feel they're being portrayed by a bunch of degenerates. Instead, the Italians will view them as Americans and if you've been to Italy, you know that Italians love Americans. Most of them anyway. They love everything about America, which includes mainstream television and shows that are broadcast on MTV.

I mentioned in a previous post about this, that I don't think this show is about being Italian American, its more about an American culture or actually a tri-state culture. The guido culture is a real thing in New Jersey, so for those people who are in denial about it, its time to accept it because its now on television. Granted, we have to maintain some kind of boundary on the language and references to Italian Americans, because not all American sub-cultures are the same or the people within them.

Here is a recent article in People magazine with the recent pictures of the cast in Italy upon arrival. Should be interesting to see how this pans out and which Italian American organizations raise hell about it.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Italian American Girl: My Ballroom Dancing Journey

This year I embarked on many changes and one of the major changes and goals I wanted to accomplish was to learn how to ballroom dance. I've always wanted to learn to dance professionally and it just seemed this was the moment it was going to happen.

There is always a story behind my you've come to read from my life story in previous posts. So, the idea of dance has always been in my family since I can remember. When my father came to the United States he worked as a dance instructor teaching jive and the tango, these were his two favorites.

Now, he was never trained professionally; it was just something he knew from having such an immense love for dancing. Growing up that's all we ever heard about was how he would go into Manhattan on weekends and dance at the social clubs doing the tango and jive. As kids; my siblings and I always laughed because we would think Papa would never do that, but he always proved us wrong. We would attend family weddings and he would always grab my mother and swoop her into a mean tango. They were pretty hot dancing, some times to the point where people at weddings would clap for them because it was pretty amazing. I remember being little and just thinking wow, my father is awesome and he can dance; literally.

As the years went by, dancing seemed to fade into the background of real life and we just lost the presence of it. So, after so many years....I decided to commit to ballroom dancing. I had no idea how hard it would be. I mean who doesn't watch Dancing with the Stars and just say, "oh yeah, I can do that..." so not the case.

It is probably one of the hardest sports or I would say ranks up there. I give professional dancers such credit for how hard they have to train to become good and then have to teach others how to dance, it's a challenge.

My journey began with me just walking into a local dance studio and asking the front desk receptionist, "how do I start?" From there I met the instructor, his name - Reason - who would become a great inspiration and add an incredible value to learning how to ballroom dance.

I'll be honest; I'm not sure I would have felt the same about learning to dance if I hadn't been paired with Reason. I started my lessons in December right before Christmas, not sure why...but I figured hey, if I'm going to do it doesn't matter when..I was committed.

I started out with a few lessons here and there, but then slowly became addicted to learning, perfecting, and just absorbing the amazing knowledge of my instructor. There were times I would watch the other instructors practice and it was incredible. I think to feel the way I was feeling about dancing you really have to have a love for it. I can truly appreciate and value everything I was taught.

As my lessons went on, I became very connected with Reason. Honestly, you spend a lot of time together and you really begin to know each others patterns, moves, mistakes.. I should say my mistakes... he is a pro. This relationship teaches you a lot, it teaches you about yourself, patience, your drive, and most of all your level of passion.

Reason is younger than me, but I learned a lot from him and it wasn't just about dancing. His drive to be so good and a professional at a young age actually inspires me, his energy is contagious. So, you know when they say you can learn from others, its really true.

I was working toward a goal, which was to learn a lot of the ballroom technique and really perfect one dance in order to perform it at one of our socials. So, I chose to concentrate on the Waltz. I worked on it for weeks and really wanted my family to witness the result of all my hard work. The interesting part to this whole ballroom goal, was that I didn't tell anyone I was doing it, so it was a huge surprise to everyone in my family when I said, "hey, by the way.. I want you to come to my ballroom dance presentation, and oh yeah I've been ballroom dancing for the last 4 months.."

The reaction was amazing, my family couldn't have been more supportive and actually just surprised. The night of the social, my family came and completely cheered me on. I was extremely nervous and I think a little overwhelmed at the same time. I went all out and had the dress, hair and make-up to prove I was going to represent it all the way.

I performed with my amazing instructor, Reason. who I can't thank enough for his patience, professionalism and overall friendship. Our performance was perfect, I couldn't have been happier, a great night!

I'm going to continue my passion for ballroom because it makes me happy. If you have something you love to do, embrace it..! Like many other experiences I've had in my life this is another great one, which I choose to share with you. Let me know what you think.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Italian American Girl at the Garden State Film Festival in New Jersey

Photos are COPYRIGHT OF ITALIANAMERICANGIRL & ITALIANAMERICANGIRL.COM 2011 - You must ask permission for reuse.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Social Media and The Vatican - Pope John Paul II

Recently the Vatican announced they've launched social media pages for Pope John Paul II as a way for the world to connect with the Roman Catholic Church's message.

The sites launched are Facebook and YouTube. Here you can see and connect with the world about Pope John Paul II. The Vatican launched the pages in preparation for the beatification of Pope John Paul, which is the last step before sainthood, which is set for May 1st.

In a world of instant communication and no communication among the youth. It's a positive step for the church to connect with the world and youth through social media. My theory on social media is to compare it to being in a room while people are talking, if you're not in the room, no one will know what you've said, saying or want to say. Its always to be better in the room and send the right messaging, whether it be a brand or person.

To learn more about the social media pages launched by the Vatican read this article here:

*** The picture above is COPYRIGHT OF ITALIANAMERICANGIRL.COM & Italian American Girl 2011 -- You must ask permission for re-use. ***

Monday, March 14, 2011


Italy's number one recording artist Jovanotti announces his appearance at the 10th edition of the Bonnaroo Music & Arts Festival in Manchester, TN. The Tuscan singer, songwriter and rapper to the now legendary event’s line-up marks the first-ever performance by an Italian artist at the Festival. Jovanotti's Bonnaroo set will also be the first by a new generation Italian language star at a major US rock festival.

Jovanotti's 12th studio album Ora (Now) debuted at number one in Italy the week of February 1, 2011 and includes special guests Michael Franti and Amadou & Mariam. Italy’s premier music ambassador — who has shared the stage with peers around the world such as Juanes, Bono and Bob Geldof — is the obvious choice for Bonnaroo’s International Mash Up Stage on Saturday, June 11, which will be curated by Eugene Hütz of Gogol Bordello. This will be Jovanotti’s only US concert date for 2011.

The Festival runs from June 9-12 in Manchester, TN for more information on purchasing tickets:

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

JOURNEY OF HOPE –THE FILM Featuring Local Italian American Set To Premiere At Garden State Film Festival in New Jersey

This year's Garden State Film Festival 2011 will feature the film 'JOURNEY OF HOPE- The Film' produced by award winning Italian American Marino Amoruso, the same producer of 'PRIDE & PASSION: THE ITALIANS IN AMERICA, a very successful film which premiered on PBS.

'Journey of Hope - The Film' features local New Jersey business owner and Italian American Joe Leone Introna who travels to L'Aquila, Italy to volunteer and help the people, who suffered great hardship after a devastating and powerful earthquake wiped out the entire town. Joe along with friends and volunteers traveled to the devastated town where they offered the victims clothes, shoes, comfort, bedding and much more.

The film captures Joe as he connects with the people of L'Aquila and gives a raw look inside the loss and devastation the citizens endured. What makes this film very special for Italian Americans is the fact that Joe is Italian American but his family comes from the Bari region, not L'Aquila, but his nature to help his Italian ancestors extended to the mere fact that he wanted to just help. It says a lot about a person's character. This film is powerful.

With today's headlines in Japan and the absolute devastation that most of can not comprehend, this particular film gives you an idea how powerful one person can be when the goal is to help those in need. Joe and his team continue to work on raising on funds for the relief effort in L'Aquila.

For more information on Joe Leone Introna, Marino Amoruso and to donate visit:

I call on all Italian Americans to come to the premiere and show your support:

Journey Of Hope L'Aquila Earthquake Relief Fund

Date: Thursday March 31st

Time: 7:30PM

Place: Paramount Theatre