Monday, August 13, 2012


Culminating a lifelong love affair with America, Jovanotti (Lorenzo Cherubini) is now engaging professionally with the U.S. as never before. ATO Records is determined to introduce American audiences to him with today's release of Italia 1988-2012, a career retrospective including four new tracks.
In October, the Tuscan artist, who has sold over five million albums in his native Italy, will tour this country, performing in sizable venues nationwide. Please see below for an itinerary including the fall tour and shows this month in San Francisco (at the Outside Lands Music Festival), Los Angeles (an in-store performance and CD signing at the legendary Amoeba Music in Hollywood), Vancouver, Seattle and Portland, OR.
Italia 1988-2012 is the artist's first physical album of studio recordings to be released in the U.S. In fact, very little of the material has been released here in any format. The album has garnered pre-release acclaim from The New York Times , NPR, The New York Daily News and others.
Jovanotti Summer U.S. Dates

August 16 Vancouver, BC Commodore Ballroom
August 18 Seattle, WA Neptune Theatre
August 19 Portland, OR Aladdin Theater

Jovanotti Fall U.S. Tour Announced

October 1 Washington, DC 9:30 Club
October 2 Philadelphia, PA Trocadero
October 5 Boston, MA Royale
October 6 New York, NY Terminal 5
October 8 Atlanta, GA Variety Playhouse
October 9 Orlando, FL House of Blues
October 10 Miami, FL The Fillmore Miami Beach
October 12 Austin, TX ACL Music Festival
October 14 Denver, CO Bluebird Theater
October 15 Minneapolis, MN First Avenue
October 17 Chicago, IL The Vic Theatre
October 18 Detroit, MI Saint Andrew's Hall
See you there!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Italian American Grandchildren Understanding Their Culture

Anthony & Gianna
Yesterday, my nieces and nephew were eager to help my mother collect the ripe tomatoes off the plants my parents had growing separate from the garden. My mother had done it earlier and the kids went crazy, asking 'Nonna, why did you do that without us?' She had to think quick and tell them OK, we have the other plants you can collect from -- she saved the day otherwise there was going to be trouble. As I stood there watching and laughing at their enthusiasm, it made me so proud. They listen to every word my mother says, on how and which tomatoes to pick, the kids understand that growing your own garden is second nature and they know Nonna makes the most amazing tomato salad with the tomatoes and basil fresh from the garden. Sometimes, I think will my nieces and nephew have the same passions as Italian Americans like my siblings and I do? Today it's harder than ever to raise kids to know or even understand their background. We're so saturated with technology and lack of culture in suburbs or maybe even in the cities - there is an disengagement factor that happens and it's not on purpose. My nieces and nephews get their education straight from Nonna and Nonno, which I think is amazing. They know they're Italian American and they know my parents came from Italy. They understand the struggle and learn more about our traditions as they get older and become more aware of their identities. I'm so happy the kids get this pure exposure to their culture. Growing up Italian American can not be compared to anything else.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Digital Diary - Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy - 7 Days, 7 Artists, 7 Videos...

I was contacted by one of the producers of the Digital Diary series when they first produced the first video in Basilica, since then they've produced a newer one in Friuli Venezia Giulia - it's by far one of the most interesting takes on showcasing Italy and it's amazing regions. They have 7 artists, (producers & camera people) travel within 7 days of their designated project and shoot their 7 videos, which then becomes the digital diary masterpiece. Here's a bit of their explanation on what they do:

'7 Artists. 7 Days. 7 Videos.
We’ve imported some of the most creative minds around to work on our Digital Diary of Italy. We’ve got young photographers, video makers, animators on the project to give us their impression of Italy.
Totally subjective. Undemocratic. Creative."

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Growing Up Italian American .. and DisFunction is A Key Element

I will start my post off by saying, I love that I grew up Italian American, have Italian parents, and know the value of culture, family, love, support and yes this may shock many of you, but I will also add disfunction. This may be the first time I ever wrote anything about this topic and quite frankly to keep the blog real, if you tell me you've experienced no disfunction in an Italian American family then I'm gonna have to call you out and say you're full of it. I am sure many families not just Italians go through this, but I have to say as Italians or Italian American everything is magnified x10!!!

As Italian Americans we grow up with people in our families speaking loudly, arguing, and maybe even getting more animated than the norm. Now a days, this is considered bad behavior or grounds for analysis. To you and me as Italian Americans, we may not know any different and think it's normal. Along with the arguing is something called family dynamics, yes you know what I mean.. it's all about making sure you give certain people the right amount of respect and interacting with some family who you may not get along with, but you do for the sake of the family.

I love my family very much, but I think we all reserve the right to be who need to be as individuals, I don't always agree with my parents or siblings but in the end or when we need each other most YOU can best your ass we are there for each other. I always say blood is thicker than water... and this is true. So, without our disfunction we would be boring, and that very disfunction is also the element that keeps our family strong. I embrace the disfunction.. and sometimes have to laugh, because at times you think do other people's families go through this madness like us.. or is it just us??? I'm finding we all have our madness somewhere, but LOVE and family are everything. Can you relate?

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Rick Steves Travels To: Rome, Italy: The Ancient Forum

You know what they say, 'when in Rome, do as the Romans do.' If you've never been to Rome, your missing one of the most historical and educational trips of a lifetime. To be in Rome is to be in the middle of history. The structures, streets, architecture leave you in awe and all the while you're standing in modern day Rome. Watch this tour with travel guru Rick Steves as he ventures into historic and new Rome.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Happy Mother's Day to my Italian Mother....

My Italian Mother - Happy Mother's Day

Here is a picture of my mother, Francesca. This picture was taken in Reggio Calabria,Italy while we were there visiting on vacation. It's difficult to sum up what a mother means to a person or how they've positively affected you. Don't get me wrong my mother drives me nuts too.. LOL but --I love my mother and thank her for not letting me forget who I am.. Happy Mother's Day Ma!

Photo: Copyright of - Italian American Girl 2012 - You must ask permission for reuse.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Keeping Italian Traditions in an Italian American Life....

It's been a while since my last post, but I had to sit down right now and write about this..because lately it's been weighing on me heavily. In previous posts, I've talked about the struggle in maintaining our Italian cultural traditions in our everyday Italian American lives, but I feel as the days goes on and I become busier with projects and just keeping up those important traditions seem to be taking a back seat.

So you may ask, 'what are those traditions?' and quite honestly I would say not all Italians or Italian Americans have the same traditions, but one thing is very consistent and that's maintaining a strong family connection. When we are all so busy with our daily lives, it does become a challenge to spend that time together, or respect your holidays like Easter, but it seems reality of life in America dictates. For example, my brother was so upset about the fact that he had to work on Easter, his job has certain days assigned to holidays.. so it was hard for him to take that day as a holiday. Of course, my family we were certainly sad not to see him for the day, but we understood he had a commitment to work.

When discussing traditional Italian families, it's pretty customary that we take care of each other in some form or another, whether it's just being there for someone or actually doing a physical favor. If any of my family members call me and says 'I need help with....' -- you can bet your ass I will be there for them. I usually get strange looks from people when I tell them how much I did for my sister, mother, father or brothers and likewise if I share a story about how my brother went above and beyond for me, because I know the American mentality is really everyone kind of does their own thing and family members talk to each here and there. Well, we know that's not the case with the Italian American family. We talk to each other all the time and try to see each other as much as possible.

I was having a conversation with friends the other day, they happen to be Italian American, I
was talking about that new show on TLC, "Mama's Boys of the Bronx." Of course as we know many reality shows are exaggerated and larger than life and usually with a negative stereotype on the Italian American. I asked my two friends, "do you think this show is exaggeration or reality?" They having grown up and lived in the Bronx said something to the effect, that's it's real but somewhat glorified.. of which I agreed. Look, we would all be lying if we said our Italian mothers don't do everything for us and treat their sons like kings. I know my mother does, if my brothers are around, my mother starts cooking and serves everything up just to make sure they've eaten and are happy. But with that, my mother takes great pride and happiness in making her sons happy and making sure she spoils them. To her she shows a part of her love this way. So, if you're not exposed or educated on these traditions in the Italian American family you might watch that show and say 'wow, these guys live at home with their moms and their mothers spoil them..' I say yes and no.

Not all Italian American men live like the guys on the show. Of course, there are limits to what's normal and not, but I'm talking about the factor that most Italian women take pride in spoiling and taking care of their children. I would probably do the same, it's a learned behavior - a part of my culture. Even till this day, if I have lunch with my father, I cook lunch and I serve it...or if my brothers come over.. I do the same.. I cook and serve the food, which most people wouldn't think true of me, but I am old school and love doing that for people I love. It gives me happiness to know I did something that my family appreciates.

Where do these traditions fit into our daily American lives? Will we maintain those traditions like our Italian mothers did?

Photo Credit: TLC